Monday, July 26, 2010
With the economy in a continual state of change there is no way to predict anything solid. Or so logic would dictate. This means it may be best to stop trying to think we can get a handle on the future or the financial climate and simply accept that there is no fail safe format to "live". So toss that handbook and do your own thing.
Yesterday -as I was enjoying my weekly session in the hot tub- I came across Ms Lidewij Edelkoort while reading. This lady does trend forecasting for a living. (What a groovy job that must be!) From her website:
"Li Edelkoort is one of the world's most renowned trend forecasters. Her work has pioneered trend forecasting as a profession; from the creation of innovative trend books and audiovisuals since the 1980s to long-ranging lifestyle analysis and research for the world's leading brands today.
Li announces the concepts, colours and materials which will be in fashion two or more years in advance because, "there is no creation without advance knowledge, and without design, a product cannot exist." In this way, she and her closely-knit teams orientate professionals in interpreting the evolution of society and the foreshadowing signals of consumer tastes to come, without forgetting economic reality."
I was absolutely fascinated with reading her perspective on things in the interview in the latest Australian Vogue Living magazine. Most of all it was encouraging. (To get an idea what her general views are on what's to come between 2010 and 2050 read this.)
She was talking a lot about "re-connecting"; less to do about the ego and more about people as a group, or as Seth Godin would say, a tribe. Lidewij mentions that this century will be more about connectivity and networking then anything else. Also the new media will help us to be more intuitive and instinctive she says. The future will be about "us" and not about "me". Hence the success of movies like Avatar, where the primal aspect is very tangible that also appeals to us.
Interior design wise there will be less contrived homes, glam will not be "hot", the nomadic lifestyle will be. We are more and more putting architecture in the landscape as an integrated part, something that can be hidden or that is folded into the surroundings somehow. We are more likely to single out objects or pieces that we have a connection with, then whether the sofa matches the chairs. The story remains important. And everything will be tactile. The use of our hands has already made a comeback, whether it is to craft, or to prepare food in the kitchen.
So what does Lidewij really think about her abilities to predict the future?
“People think I am some kind of mystic. Yet all I do is pay attention.”
Thursday, July 22, 2010
special lingo
Lately I have been hanging out with some very inspiring and fun peeps both online and off. What I noticed is that with everyone I meet, there are particular elements in their speaking I pick up on; the idiosyncrasy, the use of particular words that seem to pop up regularly, use of proper syntax or not, and I'm not even mentioning whether this is accompanied by waving hands in the air to support said communication. Let's face it: people are very intriguing and entertaining! (Who needs tv - really.)
Basically I have decided that if in the communication I cannot find a personal flair; that I'm either speaking to a very boring or timid person, or that I must be missing something! I find bonding is done greatly through correlated ways with words, and the whole experience starts to mirror. We are literally bouncing off each other. It can be quite fascinating. Once you think about it is like reading a different magazine or book every time I talk to people.
We connect with others through more then just the verbal language. The whole combination of incorporating body language, visuals and sound makes it interesting and so much fun. We are more then the sum of parts, and more then just the words. At the end of the day: everyone is worth a read. (You might be surprised what pages you may come across.)
Friday, July 16, 2010
speed of life
I'm SO enjoying reading positive things people are doing, whether it's a new start up, a transition with work, a change altogether or moving house. Truth be told the last 6 weeks if not more have been very very changeable. Many things have happened in my world and my whizz brain is still filtering some of it, I have started new endeavors with people and I'm generally much looking forward to what will happen next! A whirlwind of activity. It gets me excited! And more excited!
At the same token I received an email last night which got me thinking about the following. How would YOU respond if you had a dream, vision, startup, goal, ambition which has taken off and this would happen for example:
- some of your friends are getting a bit funny with you as they see you grow and find it hard to accept that fact as they seem to be stuck?
- your partner or family is not fully supporting your ambition and keeps coming up with "sensible" reasons to ward you off track and keep you where you were?
- your current employment has lost all its fizzle and you are actually rather be considering ANY other job then this before you can do what you love 24/7?
My point is that being hampered by people trying to put brakes on your speed of life is not only a turn off, it's silly. If a tsunami is coming little difference will be made with a wall built at the bottom of the hill. That water is coming one way or the other. Realize why those attempts at wall building are being made and recognize it for what it is: it's not your wall so press on regardless. You can be respectful in the process. Do ponder things to ensure you are not just being stubborn and above all else: don't get rude, play it nice. Or my credo: "be wise and shut up".
The aforementioned attempts at roadblocking are more likely to only make one more determined to succeed as it confirms our desire to get there. Now, I'm a big fan of pursuing and I'm less a fan of paperwork and finances. Or so I thought, which means I put my own roadblock in there for years. Once I decided to change that it's actually become more interesting and inspiring. How funny is that!
The trick is to be:
- clear on your goals, have a time-frame and deadlines
- have your finances in clean order (a good accountant helps too)
- have a business plan (I'm working on one for Bonvivant now)
- get a new support team if the current one is faltering should you need it
- stick to your guns if you know in every fibre that you need to do this
- start a mastermind group to help others too
- get a life and enjoy something else that isn't work or your passion-passion > energy
- remember to stay in touch with people who you love
So what are you working on right now?
business plan,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
When you're not sure which way to go about it: go dancing!
(I'm doing an interview on Skype this Saturday with a lovely talented and fun lady who is massively into dancing. No wonder we get along so well...)
(I'm doing an interview on Skype this Saturday with a lovely talented and fun lady who is massively into dancing. No wonder we get along so well...)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
new arrivals!
Finally times a 100: my design tea towels are here! They will be for sale on my website in a while, so they aren't listed there yet as I am makover-ing! Lucky for you you can get them from the Paperroom online store in the next few days, or simply email me!
(I wholesale too if you have a store yourself.)

(I wholesale too if you have a store yourself.)
Screen printed by hand in Christchurch, New Zealand on non-bleached cotton.
What do you think? I'm so excited I now get to see them as real life printed goodies, instead of just whirling about on my computer!
Monday, July 12, 2010
before and after
A while ago I spotted a chair online that had seen better days. Still to me, it showed potential, and I decided to buy it and give it a tune up. It's a "green" option, more affordable and has often more character then many readily bought items. I also liked the fact that the frame is mostly made of timber.
The material is a black fabric with metallic thread running through it. Hard-wearing and kinky. And yeah I couldn't resist adding a mooo to the cushion..... voila the James Bondy comfy chair.
chair interior design,
re upholstering,
Friday, July 9, 2010
Sometimes I feel I am repeating myself, but let's face it: many ideas or things seem to come back to us, by reminding us of something we have seen or experienced previously. Nowadays many things get a new jacket and they are out the door.
When was the last time you were genuinely surprised to find anything that made you stop and think, or at least made you realize that indeed this was a rare find! Was it yesterday, last week or a month ago? Then there's the 'eye of the beholder' aspect, so what could be an absolute gem to you could mean worthless crap to another. I'm just saying. Doesn't that make it fun though? I think so. (And no I'm not doing the chocolate box quote that would be SO obvious.)
So what I spotted today made me say: how clever is THAT! Now what is it?
Doesn't it look beautiful? This is how you whip it up: simple recipe! By Yoav Reches, artist.
When was the last time you were genuinely surprised to find anything that made you stop and think, or at least made you realize that indeed this was a rare find! Was it yesterday, last week or a month ago? Then there's the 'eye of the beholder' aspect, so what could be an absolute gem to you could mean worthless crap to another. I'm just saying. Doesn't that make it fun though? I think so. (And no I'm not doing the chocolate box quote that would be SO obvious.)
So what I spotted today made me say: how clever is THAT! Now what is it?
Doesn't it look beautiful? This is how you whip it up: simple recipe! By Yoav Reches, artist.
(With big thanks to Richard of Bitrebels who always has great posts.)
Then I came across another read today, which details how there is now more and more a trend of seeing great design become accessible to those with less big-a-wallets. There are even designs that you as the consumer will need to finish off. The concept makes great sense, is fun and could even be considered "green" for a variety of reasons. (Read about the ins and outs of this post here on Fastcompany.)
And why is this interesting? Because to me this not new as an idea, but it is very current in todays market. What excites me is that the combining of whimsy, finishing it off yourself and the "green" of it has great marketing potential and opportunity. An almost self made unique design, fabricated locally, at low cost to the consumer, easy peasy fun solution. Very Ponoko too. If that doesn't spin your wheels as a creative I don't know what will.
My brain fizz is already humming away, thinking on how this could be implemented. And that very way of thinking was also described by Gary Vaynerchuk, who's book "Crush it" I finally finished, having only had about 20 pages to go last Wednesday. His book details very well how entrepreneurs have to keep their eyes peeled for things popping up left, right and center, and what snazzy dish you can create from it yourself. Tasty stuff.
Note: Klout who analyse your Twitterness, assessed me as such, which I found amusing: @bonvivantmiriam is a Curator
You highlight the most interesting people and find the best content on the web and share it to a wide audience. You are a critical information source to your network. You have an amazing ability to filter massive amounts of content to surface the nuggets that your audience truly care about. Your hard work is very much appreciated.
crush it,
gary vaynerchuk,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
From time to time we get entangled. In something, in someone. It happens so life can provide us with experience, which is the only thing that really teaches us.
In whatever scenario there are ALWAYS 3 options:
- We go forward (thus getting further entangled)
- We go back (possibly kicking but freeing ourselves)
- We stay in the same spot.
Naturally there are circumstances where we wish to get entangled -you know the very kind I'm referring to. Then there's that situation in which we find ourselves because we were not paying enough attention. Oops. And then there are those instances we just never want to find ourselves and when we do it's something that can take years to repair.
(In my highland calf's case, he was freed after Nico had to do some chasing after him today, as the boy had literally got all tangled up in white break-fencing power wire plus some poles which he was dragging behind him across the paddock. Every moo there was observing him with some distaste and very round eyes. Lucky for him the power was never connected to said wire so all it did was hurt his pride. To his credit I am now doing a post in his fuzzy-socks honor.)
Basically what we can draw from any entanglement/involvement/attachment is this: you will always draw people to you for different reasons, and things happen. The wise and most important thing to do is:
- to know exactly what you are about as a person
- to know what your personal goals are or what the business focus is
- to know that you are the only one who can change your circumstance
- to stick to that which is right for you no matter what they say
- that you are the only one who can apply the above a,b or c
What I have learned is that whatever is said or whispered, or whatever they want you to see, that it is essential to draw your own conclusions and opinion. Don't give the power over your life or business away, you don't have to. Who said so?
belief board,
personal development,
self confidence
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Remember this post not that long ago?
This is the design I entered for the design competition held by Clothkids in the UK (deadline 14th of July 2010 - you still have time!). Theme: vintage.
What do you think? If I have time next week I might come up with another one. For a frolicky frock design I am pretty pleased. Surprisingly my man loved it too. Must have been the bike.
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