Well I'm back from Auckland and I had a fabulous time there! It was great to meet Lynn, Nick and Mark from Hemptech and to catch up with them and their rep Colin, who is always a hoot. Their stand looked great and all their linens and hemp products are crisp, clean and wonderful New Zealand. I'm very proud to be one of their designers.

Hemptech donated material for a fashion design competition held for 4 years fashion design students from Whitecliff Art school, as did other fabric houses. Beverley and I liked the one from Hemptech and the one from Warwick I believe, which dress was sculpted like a vase with huge petals at the top. Really well done. They had about 4 hours to come up with an idea and to make it I think. I had a chat to the two designers who did the Hemptech dress and they were bouncy and intelligent girls.

Bev and I also paid a visit to Newmarket's the Poi room which is a design art store that stocks only New Zealand made pieces. Melanie was lovely and we had an exciting time looking at all the art works and the unique and sometimes whimsical bits and pieces. Very inspiring and fun. Wonderful place and I came away carrying my muse, a funny creature called Fairy and she is part of the http://www.freakeyfrienz.com/ crew, made by Becky Stott and absolutely sparkly, stunning and original. Love my fairy.

To top it all off I went to see the Auckland showrooms of Kovacs and Montreux, both furniture makers now also opening in Newmarket and Parnell. I had great chats there and tried pieces I hadn't seen before. I couldn't stay for wines and nibbles as there was a plane to catch to go home again.

Designmade at 2 Leek street, Newmarket that has Montreux furniture and also Trelise Cooper fabrics.

Kovacs showroom that's shared with furniture store Perfect Pieces in Parnell, just around from the Essenze gallery it turned out. My work stocks both Kovacs and Montreux pieces in Dunedin.