Monday, June 28, 2010

whimsy man

I was getting increasingly depressed today. Me! I know, it's ridiculous. And why? because I felt I had to act grown uppy like. And let's face it, that is so boring. I mean it can be helpful to get a grip, but to overload myself on punishment because I'm not mrs Fab 24/7 is let's face it: deranged. Let's not ask ourselves to do the impossible by asking too much, but certainly give it a whirl to try something you're not great at yet. (I did in the weekend and I am now officially a good wood chopper. It helps too I have a kick ass ax to wield.)

So I thought; how about connecting to equally whimsy inclined beings and making each other feel better? Yes that could work. For an hour. Maybe two. It does make me feel better when i get a bit... whatever it is.

Then it hit me: putting all my mentally throbbing ideas and pokings and stick it in a folder. I had planned to do this for a while. I already filled up a small folder with my crazy ideas. By depositing the popping ideas my creative craxy brain can deal with the self inflicted overdose, or lack thereof, and I can actually find this stuff again. There is also such a thing available online, which can be helpful: where you can basically dump stuff ma thingies you otherwise forget (with thanks to Joidesign for this tip!)
Also check out: the online toolbox for happiness. Groovy man.

I started writing many things down and am adding it to my tree of 'want-to-finish-it-'-s. The streamlining is very helpful. I think I'm getting there. It is great to see it nicely laid out. And it's workable. And achievable. Yay me.

Aiming for the stars is great. If you're an astronaut. I like it simple. Chop wood, burn the fire, be happy. And chip away at it steadily, and sensibly. And make sure life is fun and good. If there is more boohoo then heeeehaaaa then re examine what you're doing. Trust me.


  1. Hi Miriam!

    I've got your blog up for an award :)

    The instructions to accept are all there.

    Oddly enough, making sure I send this award out to the my favorite most deserving blogs has been on my to-do list. Slow going, but I'm in a finishing what I've started mode.

    I think I need a jar for my crazy ideas...sort of a cross between a to-do list and a bucket list in jar form :).

  2. Holy etc Carrie! A Carrie award no less! I am truly humble bumbled I am I am. Thank you signorina! xxx
